Your Ramsey+ subscription can be canceled at any time. Please keep in mind that canceling your Ramsey+ subscription will not permanently delete your account.
Cancel Ramsey+
If you are billed directly by Ramsey Solutions and would like to cancel your subscription:
- Log into
- Select the Settings icon in the top right corner
- Click on Manage Account Settings
- Click on Update Subscriptions. Here you can cancel your account by turning auto renewal off. You will continue to have access to all of Ramsey+ until the end of the trial period or current membership term as determined by the date on your Subscriptions page.
Third-Party Billing
If you signed up for Ramsey+ through a third party, please contact your provider directly for further assistance in canceling your Ramsey+ subscription. We are not able to cancel purchases made through a third party.
Ramsey+ Annual, 6-month, and 3-month subscription fees are eligible for a refund up to 30 days from the most recent charge.
Third-Party refunds
If you signed up for Ramsey+ through a third party, please contact your provider directly for assistance in requesting a refund according to their billing policies. Ramsey+ is not able to refund purchases made through a third party.